
Ways of seeing

There are two ways of seeing: through a critical, judgemental lens that pours a dispiriting and mobilising grey wash over what is really in front of you; or with an open mind that embraces the unknown, and a willingness to drop the biases, fears and preconceptions in favour of connecting with what's true. The latter may well mean coming up close with the reality of your flawed thinking, stumbling blocks, doubts and the very preconceptions that limit you. But it's far more honest, because in the exposure lies the illumination, from which comes the capacity to see the binds that restrict your head and heart. In clear sight lies potential for transformation, for a shift in perspective, a change of heart. See the grey without letting it dull your view.

Women, know your place: Up front and ahead of the game

Here we are in 2015, approaching 90 years since women got the vote, being urged to celebrate all that we’ve achieved in honour of International Women’s Day. And there’s a lot to celebrate – we are not only more visible, we are also playing more of a leading role in society, politics, the economy and the arts.  However, there’s no denying that the struggle isn’t over, we’ve a long way to go yet.