European Green Capital

From chaos comes order: Climate change and the case for hope

We’re blindly going where no-one has gone before.  Hurtling towards apocalyptic doom thanks to the industrial advances since the 18th century. The Anthropocene era is irrevocably changing the planet. But it doesn't have to be doom and gloom to the premature end.

Only nature can save us now

Irreversible species decline, catastrophic climate change, fresh water shortages and global food insecurity – it can be easy to despair when every day brings another slap in the face of a headline. With each new report, hope can disintegrate as surely as the ozone layer. But it doesn’t have to be like this – if we take the time to pause and reflect on the causes of despair, some say there is a chance we can save ourselves.

Foggy bridges, clouded minds: Can art make us care for Earth?

It’s fairly evident that we’re a selfish bunch — developing technologies that help us live as fast and hard as possible, spending money on products that will prolong pleasure if not life itself (though that’s also a heavily financed desperate pursuit), mining foreign lands for all they’re worth, all with relatively little regard for the long term consequences.  But what of those consequences, and do we care enough to react?